Thursday, March 10, 2011

Walker, Wisconsin Ranger Mac 'n Cheese

Scott Walker has gone ape-nuts.

Walker has decided he will not back down at any cost, refuses to follow court orders to open the house, and does what he wants like a fat brat.  Currently lawyers salivating everywhere over the legality of what has happened in Wisconsin and I haven't seen the ACLU knock off their boots so fast ever, in my lifetime.
The Smithsonian is in Madison, collecting items, stories, photo and video to mark this event, as they know it is an historic moment.

On Wednesday, March 9, 2011, the Wisconsin senate "stripped" the bill that has caused so much attention, thus allowing them to vote with the Fab 14 still on the lam.
To sum it up, they are saying it no longer has to do with the budget, therefore the presence of the Fab 14 is not needed for the vote. By doing so they admit they are filthy liars, as they kept in the part of the bill stripping teachers and other union members of their rights. They had been saying all along it was due to money, then finally said they would take out the union at their knees and pulled this crap, in essence, admitting they lied.

My fellow bakers, without the unions in this country, we wouldn't even have a minimum wage. Do people really want their kids to go to a school where the teachers are paid terribly and have bad benefits? Why would anyone smart and decent take a low paying job with bad benefits? OH, that's right, they wouldn't. They would do something better and leave those crappy teaching jobs for the pervs and the twisted aholes who have an agenda they want to brainwash our kids with.

As they do so well, here is the Democracy Now Team, offering the side dish for us today, the Lowdown Hash with our Walker, Wisconsin Mac 'n Cheese!

So tonight, we hope that the ACLU and other lawyers keeping an eye out on this situation get something done about the illegalities that took place during this vote that should, hopefully, nullify it. But with this Johnny Cash, Rogue, John Wayne, Billy the Kid Governor, who knows how this will really end. He ignores the law, court orders and most importantly, the voices of those he governs. What a douche!


Tonight we use our left over Wisconsin Blue Cheese and Wisconsin Jalepeno Cheddar, along with some parmesan to make a twist an the traditonal Mornay sauce.

about 6 oz shredded mixed cheese
about 3 oz Parmesan cheese
1 liter milk
1/4 cup flour
2 tbs butter

Warm the milk to a simmer. In another saucepan, make a roux, golden brown. Mix in the simmering milk and stir, over med/low for 30 minutes. Take off the heat, stir in the cheeses. Yum!

I parboiled 1/2 package of good macaroni. Poured into a casserole dish, covered with the Mornay sauce. After 30 minutes at 375, I topped with 1/2 cup of Parmesan seasoned homemade breadcrumbs and baked another 15 to golden brown.

Here's to you, Fab 14! And to you, the people of Wisconsin who won't stand for this!

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